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To explore the iCloud User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page, or enter a word or phrase in the search field. If you need more help, visit the iCloud Support website.. Not all features are available in all countries or regions. - Pomocníka vyvoláme stlačením klávesu F1 (Pomoc - Help).
Save time navigating in Gmail by using keyboard shortcuts. Note: To learn how to customize keyboard shortcuts like in Outlook, visit section 2.6 of the Learning Center.. Turn on keyboard shortcuts. Some keyboard shortcuts only work if you've turned them on.
While in a meeting, tap the screen to make the controls appear. Tap More, and then tap Chat.; You can type your chat message and click Send, or if you want to change who it is being sent to, click the arrow next to Send to: and choose a different person or group of people.
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Accessing in-meeting chat. While in a meeting, tap the screen to make the controls appear. Tap More, and then tap Chat.; You can type your chat message and click Send, or if you want to change who it is being sent to, click the arrow next to Send to: and choose a different person or group of people.
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